Megaphone Integration - Best Practices & FAQ

Best Practices

  • Keep targeting broad at first. Target broad categories combined with brand suitability to maximize inventory availability. Then, tackle more complex scenarios.
    • For example, start with a broad Brand Safety & Suitability tag like "Medium GARM and below" that will satisfy most of your clients and monitor the impact inventory.

    • Once you're comfortable with the results and operational processes to manage the tags, then start to layer additional rules.

      Examples of targeting/anti-targeting tags in Sounder appear in Megaphone
      Examples of (anti)targeting criteria available in Sounder and how it'd appear in Megaphone with your own titling applied
  • Use a standard naming convention for tag names
    • Consider using a standard naming convention for tags, such as "prefix + topic + suitability". For example, “Sounder_Travel_Medium" for travel-related content that is Medium or lower for all categories. This will make it easier to find and manage tags from Sounder.

  • Be cautious deleting tags!
    • When you create a tag, it may take some time for the system to process all the episodes related to the tag.
      • Even if you haven't assigned the tag to a campaign, wait (30 min) for the tag to finish processing before deleting it. You can still duplicate the tag and refine the new filter, then go back and delete the old tag.

      • Avoid deleting a tag associated to running campaigns! This is obviously very important, since removing tags from live campaigns will likely result in ads running where they were not intended to run, resulting in operational headaches and potential makegoods.

  • Test with a house campaign to start getting live data for inventory forecasting


Tag Creation

  • Can you rename a tag?
    • No. You have to duplicate it, change the name (and logic, if desired), and then delete the old one.

  • How long does it take for a tag to push to episodes in Megaphone?
    • For a tag that hits the maximum 10K episodes, it can take up to 3 hours to update each of those episodes in Megaphone.

  • Will new shows/episodes be tagged automatically?
    • Yes. The system will process and tag new episodes approximately every 10 minutes.


  • How do we remove or delete podcasts from the dashboard?
    • Please let us know if you want to remove a podcast from the dashboard entirely. If you don't have one, consider creating a Megaphone Network that contains shows you do not want to monetize. We can exclude that network from the integration.


  • What are excluded networks?
    • When we set up your Megaphone integration, you can specify networks that you do NOT want Sounder to process. For example, perhaps you don't monetize certain shows with advertising, and therefore don't need Sounder to process them and show them in the dashboard.

      If you put these podcasts in a separate Megaphone network, we can exclude that network id from the integration.

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