Megaphone Integration - Tracking Pixel for Billing Automation

What is the Tracking Pixel for Billing?

Sounder allows you to insert a billing tracking pixel into one or more Megaphone orders directly from the Integrations tab in the Audio Insights dashboard.. The purpose of the tracking pixel is to automate the process of recording impression data for billing at the Megaphone campaign and order levels. Sounder will use this data to generate monthly invoices for CPM-priced usage of the Megaphone Ad Tag Integration.

Megaphone's documentation refers to tracking pixels as "Third Party Tracking Pixels". Their solution, however, does not include Campaign Id or Order Id information. Our pixel creation tool solves for this to make it easier to assign costs to the right campaigns and orders.

How to Set Up the Tracking Pixel

Before creating a tracking pixel in Sounder

In order to create the tracking pixel in Sounder, you need the following:

  1. Please check with your Sounder contact or email to ensure the feature is enabled.

  2. User permissions to be able to create an Ad Tag in the Sounder Audio Insights Dashboard. You can confirm this by checking if you have the "Integrations" option in your menu.

  3. The Campaign and order(s) must already exist in Megaphone. Sounder only does a lookup on your Megaphone data and you are not able to create the campaign or order from within Sounder.

  4. Orders may only have 4 third-party tracking urls (pixels) previously assigned in Megaphone. The Megaphone limit is 5, and there needs to be an open slot for Sounder's pixel. If an order already has 5 pixels, the Sounder billing pixel will not be inserted and the system will show an error.

    Limit of 5 Tracking URLs in Megaphone

Creating a Tracking pixel

Once you have created your campaign and order(s) in Megaphone, follow these steps to create tracking pixels for billing on the orders that include a Sounder Ad Tag:

  1. Open Megaphone Integration Tab from the menu below your avatar in the upper right-hand corner of the app.
  2. Click the "Create Tracking Pixel" button

    This will open the campaign search window.

  3. Search and select the Megaphone campaign with orders that include Sounder Ad Tags. Filter the list by entering the campaign name, or by scrolling through the list.

  4. Select one or more Orders for that campaign. You have the option to select all the orders at once, or select them one-by-one.

    When you click the Create button, the system will insert the pixel into the selected Megaphone orders.


    • If you're not sure it's the right Campaign, click "Cancel", and you'll be able to begin again with selecting the campaign.
    • If the pixel fails to insert on an order because it already has 5 pixels, clear the error by removing one pixel from the order in Megaphone, then repeat the above process to add the Sounder pixel to the order.
    • If an order already has a Sounder pixel, you'll be able to see the order, but won't be able to select it. Remove the existing Sounder pixel from the order in Megaphone, then repeat the above process to add a new Sounder pixel to the order.

How Billing works

  1. Once the Sounder pixel has been added to orders in Megaphone, we'll be able to track impressions with a number of different parameters, including Podcast ID, Episode ID, Campaign Id, and Order id

  2. When you first implement the tracking pixel, we'll work with you to verify accuracy by comparing it to your impression delivery reports. We expect to see some discrepancy (up to 15%) between your impression reporting and the pixel tracking report.

    Once we agree that the reports are aligned and suitable for billing, within 5 business days of the end of the month, we'll send you an invoice for the previous month's impressions broken out by:

      1. delivery month
      2. campaign
      3. order

Viewing list of pixels

You can view the list of pixels you've created by clicking on the "Pixel List" button. This will display a scrollable list of pixels, the related campaigns and orders, as well as the creation date.

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